Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Cranky With My Pets

Flynn sitting on my shoe - probably preparing to chew it.

I don't make New Year's Resolutions (I usually set some goals for myself though) but this year I resolve/vow to get tougher with my pets. As a start I have discussed the following issue with them and I am going to create written agreements for them to sign because this shit is going to be legally binding:

"If you (insert pet name here) persist in eating non-food items including, but not limited to, excrement (yours or another pet's), home decor items, toilet paper, kleenex (used or unused), small pieces of wood, ribbon, paper (wrapping or any other kind), cardboard, dirt, fast food wrappers, small rocks, insects, small animals, books, electrical cords, magazines, vomit (yours or another pet's), socks, shoes (mine or anyone else's), wine corks, lotion, candy, or furniture, then I (Liz) will no longer purchase expensive organic free range food and treats for you. Instead you can eat some cheapo generic Walmart brand that was probably made in China out of pure lead and toxic waste."

OK well maybe I won't really make this a legally binding agreement but the above is what I wish I could say to them. 

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